Monday, November 1, 2010

My Sam Maloof Rocking Chair Adventure

When I first saw the famous rocking chair designed by Sam Maloof, I knew I had to build one.  
I also knew that I did not have the skills to build one.  Over the past 10 years, I have been enjoying woodworking on small craft projects and some outdoor furniture.  I've also been slowly building up my arsenal of tools.  Now, I finally feel that I'm ready to jump in and tackle the rocking chair.

As a part of the process, I decided to blog about my experience in hopes it will serve as both a record and a learning experience for others who would also like to build one.

This is my hobby, not my job, so my posts will be at random times and I expect it will take several months to complete the project.  Please bear with me.  I hope this will be interactive, so please send your comments.


  1. Just found your blog! Looking forward to following along, thanks for doing this.

  2. Just read your blog and its been a great help, and I haven't even started yet!


  3. Thanks Winston! Helping other woodworkers was my goal. Best of luck to you on your chair. I hope you will share some pictures.

  4. Tom, I want to thank you for your rocker blog. I have read it over several times and just completed my rocker. You did a nice job filling in some of the holes left in Brock's plans and videos. I appreciate all the time you put in your blog to help us avoid some of the mistakes. - Steve
